Wah! Taj!!!
Every time I log into any of Orkut communities I moderate, I find them flooded with spam. “Earn Money by a click!”, “I am 21 and am earning 80K per month”, weird Portuguese ads by some weird Brazilian bots! Adding fuel to fire, now-a-days I find the community being flooded by the regular patrons saying “If you are a true Indian vote for Tajmahal”, “Tajmahal needs your help”. My foot! Even I find it on the hoardings, TV news channels. Every one is requesting to vote. So, There I eneterd www.new7wonders.com. Hmmm I have to give a second thought about it. Why in the hell will UNESCO conduct a poll for “Seven Wonders”? They sure know that regionalism will win any day in polls. After all they are educational counsel members.
“Seven wonders of the world” are to be declared by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, adopted in1972, was based on the premise that certain places are of outstanding universal value and as such form part of the common heritage of humanity. While fully respecting national sovereignty, and without prejudice to property rights provided by national legislation, the States Parties to the Convention recognizes that protecting World Heritage is the duty of the international community as a whole. The World Heritage List currently includes over 800 natural and cultural sites, from India’s Taj Mahal to Mali’s ancient city of Timbuktu and such natural wonders as the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. The World Heritage Centre is the permanent secretariat of the Convention.
When it’s clear that UNESCO, solely has the rights to decide with new wonders then who is this www.New7wonders.com? Did you ever venture to check their “about us” in the site? It is a foundation to campaign. That’s the all. If they are and educational counsel from where do the words “Unique business benefits are available with New7Wonders - together we can make marketing and commercial history!” fit in? New7wonders s campaign was launched in 2000 as a private initiative by Bernard Weber, the idea being to encourage citizens around the world to select seven new wonders of the world by popular vote.
Although UNESCO was invited to support this project on several occasions, the Organization decided not to collaborate with Mr. Weber. It should be clear by this time now stop romping around boasting your loyalty towards you nation. It’s high time to think sensibly
http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0014/001473/147330e.pdf (page no.17)